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Wheat Field


Honoring earth and the environment.

Growing up in Michigan, I've always enjoyed the outdoors. I am educated as a land use planner to follow 'colonial' practices and what is know as Euclidean Zoning. It was during an Environmental Science college class in South Florida that I had my first big 'a-ha' moment about modern land use. The professor, who also had a passion for religious texts and history, explained that when the Bible was first translated, the phrase in Genesis 'man shall rule over,'  or 'have dominion over,' originally meant STEWARDSHIP.

Take a moment. Let that sink in.


Indigenous cultures, early farmers, for thousands of years followed sustainable land use practices that fed entire communities without polluting the earth and extinguishing living creatures.


I realize its too late to put the toothpaste back in the tube, but I do hope that over time society will continue to return to a practice of treating land as sacred; something to value, protect, and cultivate wisely.


Click on BROWSE for links to resources that I hope will inspire you. Work with your local government and elected officials to adopt land use practices that protect our air, water, and soil, and respect all creatures great and small. 

Become a good STEWARD of your earth, our home.



Sacred Land Use: Services
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